Sunday, September 21, 2014


Free write: Free to write

I'm not ready. No one ever is.

I was born ready.

There's not enough time. I have all the time in the world. Confidence. Trust in oneself. A space alien enthralled and terrified of a planet so very loud.

There is a boy who just wants some quiet. And a boy who wants to be loud, so loud that he can feel his bones buzz through his skin.

Power is capability. The capability to trust, to see, to let oneself feel, to risk accordingly. Power is pushing toward the edge.

So calm. So slow, so calm, with every resource at my disposal. Slow it down speed it up, turn it around.

Come on, superhero. You know your magic words:

MULADHARA: Stability. >>>LAM
SVADHISTHANA: Power and intention. >>>VAM
ANAHATA: Love and compassion. >>>YAM
VISHUDDHA: Creativity. >>>HAM
AJNA: Intuition. >>>SHAM
SAHASRARA: Transcendence. >>>AUM

Practice strengthening these spiritual energy centers. For mental, physical, and spiritual strength, flexibility, and well-being.

Who do you want to be? A question that burgeons and bubbles inside my generation.